You’ll need a Monstie that can fly, including the Paolumu you’ll find early in the second area. By that point, you can try for a Monoblos in Lamure, though they’re more difficult to find.

This one also lives in Alcala, but you won’t need ground dive too often until roughly midway through the game. The first Ground Dive Monstie you’ll find is Basarios. You’ll find Royal Ludroth in Alcala, but can upgrade to a Zamtrios if you want once you reach Loloska Forest. These are the two monsters you’ll rely on for swimming: How to swim, ground dive, and fly in Monster Hunter Stories 2 Given the fight’s difficulty level, you’re better off waiting until Loloska Forest anyway. There’s a challenging encounter with a Royal Tigrex you can trigger in Alcala, but I haven’t been able to make it retreat and generate an egg. So far, I’ve encountered only a handful of monsters that can climb, and it’s only in the third area, Loloska Forest, that you first encounter them. Either way, these actions are tied to a monster’s species and can’t be transferred with genes, which means you’ll be waiting a while to perform some actions such as climbing.